Looking to knit or crochet a Temperature Blanket this year? Or maybe the thought of tracking daily temperatures and knitting or crocheting everyday sounds super unappealing to you. If either of these sounds like you, I’ve got you covered with a few standard temperature blanket inspirations, as well as, a new Whimsy North twist. Plus a FREE Printable Chart and Daily Temperature Tracker to get you started!

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What is a Temperature Blanket?
A temperature blanket is when you knit or crochet one row per day for an entire calendar year. Each row corresponds with the temperature outside on that day where you live. There are many temperature blanket patterns that you can work from or you can simply create one yourself.
Temperature blankets can be very polarizing. Some people love the idea of a year-long project and others are not interested in having to keep up with something for a whole year.

How to make a Temperature Blanket.
- Choose colors that fit your style: Typically you see most temperature blankets in some form of rainbow colors ranging from red for warm days and blue for cooler days. If rainbows are your thing then jump right in. While I love color and rainbows I don’t exactly use them in my home decor or apparel. Instead, I chose a range of colors from dark to light that gave me more of a subtle color fade. Most choose between 9-12 different colors of yarn.
- Create a Temperature Chart: To make a temperature blanket you need to create a temperature chart. This chart will include the average temperatures in your area along with the corresponding yarn colors. If you live in an area where the temperature changes are more subtle then choose to make the degree difference a lot smaller in order to accommodate for the number of color changes you want. I’ve created a FREE Printable Temperature Chart for you to use. See the link below to get it sent directly to your email.
- Track the daily temperature: You’ve got your yarn ready and your chart filled out, now it’s time to track the weather. This may be where some people fail. Knitting or crocheting daily can be challenging for most. This is why I recommend keeping track of daily temperatures in a log and then working on a few rows at the same time. You can even look back over the past few days if you missed writing down the temperature. Check out this Historical Weather Data website for help.
Get my FREE Printable Temperature Chart and Daily Tracker!
This Free Printable includes a fully customizable temperature chart along with pages to track daily temperatures and then check them off once you’ve completed it! It can be used for both knit and crochet patterns and is adaptable to all patterns. Click here to grab your copy!

My twist on a temperature blanket… a temperature shawl!
When I first started researching for this post I wasn’t sure if I would actually knit a temperature blanket or simply share what I learned in a post. Then as I was looking through my yarn stash for possible photo options I came across this beautiful sock yarn from Explorer Knits and Fibers that I had been stashing away.
The colors work so well together that I was saving them for a large shawl project when it hit me that I didn’t need to do a temperature blanket instead I could knit a temperature shawl!
So what do you think? Should I knit a temperature shawl and then share the pattern here on the blog? Let me know in the comments!

Looking for Inspiration to knit or crochet your own Temperature Blanket or Shawl?
Here are some beautiful examples to help you get started!

Looking for temperature blanket patterns?
While I spend the next year designing my own temperature shawl for you, here are some ways to find patterns if you don’t want to create your own.
Ravelry – Temperature Blankets
Pinterest – Temperature Blankets
Instagram – #temperatureblankets
Are you looking to knit a temperature blanket this year? Let me know in the comments. Don’t forget to grab my Free Temperature Chart + Daily Temperature Tracker to get started!
Do you still have the temperature chart? There doesn’t appear to be a link on the page.
Thank you so much for your comment! It looks like the link wasn’t working. I have updated the link and tested it so now you should be able to grab the chart!